
Selling Stuff From Home To Make Money

Whatever the reason that you need money right away, you don't have to sell your blood. There are tons of other things to sell and plenty to do. Take it from a single stay at home mom who's been making money from home for 20 years!!! Here are 40 things to sell right now to make money. #makemoney #thingstosell #whattosell #selltomakemoney

Whatever the reason that you need money right away, you don't have to sell your blood. There are tons of other things to sell and plenty to do. Take it from a single stay at home mom who's been making money from home for 20 years!!! Here are 40 things to sell right now to make money. #makemoney #thingstosell #whattosell #selltomakemoney

Chances are, if you are reading this article, you are stuck for ideas of things to sell and you need to make money from home right away.

Perhaps you need to make rent money and it's the 29th of the month.

Perhaps there's a birthday party you've been invited to and you can't just show up empty handed, but your bank account just gasped for air…there's nothing left in there.

Whatever the reason may be that you need to make money fast, please know that I've been there (several years ago, I was homeless and within one year of blogging, I was making $10,000/month! Now, my sixth year blogging, I have multi 7-figure businesses online!!!) and that I'm praying for you on your journey as well!

Several years ago, I was homeless. It's too painful to go into details, but the jist of it is that my ex-husband abandoned us and I had been a stay-at-home-mom all my kids lives. He took my debit card and left me with no gas while I called the church to help me get out of the physically abusive situation.

I'd go on to place a restraining order on him, he'd break it several times and I'd stand there to watch the most horrific sight I've ever seen in my life. Him thrown against the back of his car, handcuffed, and put in the back of a police car in the parking lot of Walmart…yet another reason I hate that store. Here's why you should never shop Walmart if you want to scale up and have a better life.

Sometimes, life throws tomatoes at you, I get it. Please know this, it can only get better from where you're at now.

You're already at the bottom, feeling like you can't go any lower. The truth is that you can't. It only goes up from here! So be encouraged by that!!!

Whether it's using your time or some creative tangible goods, here are 40+ things to sell right now to make money.

This was my FIRST step after getting out of the homeless shelter to rebuild my life, so I'm all for figuring out creative ways to be home with your family!

40+ Things to sell right now to make extra money, make fast cash or make money sidehustling! Find out now what you can sell to make money! #selling #makingmoney #makingextramoney

40+ Things To Sell Right Now to Make Money

  1. Sell printables
  2. Sell courses
  3. Your kids old toys and clothes/shoes that no longer fit them
  4. Things around the house that you no longer need
  5. Books / DVD's / BluRay's you have that you never watch or read
  6. Recycle your old phone or docking station you never use
  7. Clothes you can't fit into anymore
  8. Photos that you've taken
  9. Your ideas and unique perspective of brands in surveys
  10. Your crafts
  11. Your collectibles you have somewhere out in storage
  12. Your couponing stock
  13. Things in your storage unit
  14. Babysit friends kids
  15. Mow a lawn
  16. Walk a neighbor's dog
  17. Clean someone's house
  18. Your skills
  19. Tutoring kids in school
  20. Do virtual assistant work
  21. Handcrafted items on Etsy
  22. Write articles
  23. Resell a domain name or create a website and then sell it
  24. Be a workout buddy with someone trying to get in a habit of exercising
  25. Shovel Snow
  26. Help someone move in or out (you can get around $25/hour). Offer your services on social media and to friends.
  27. Wash cars
  28. Outdoor patio furniture or outdoor kids toys / bikes they no longer use
  29. Your baking. You and your kids could make cookies to sell around your neighborhood
  30. Become a taxi and drive friends around or delivery groceries to house-bound people
  31. Test out websites for money.
  32. Teach a class – chances are there's SOMETHING that you can teach someone else that they'd be willing to pay to learn.
  33. Christmas items you no longer need
  34. Musical instruments
  35. Outside furniture – things like a grill or patio set
  36. Shoes or purses that are just collecting dust
  37. That formal dress you'll never wear again
  38. Return your past purchases that you don't want that you haven't used
  39. Recycle scrap metal, an appliance like a stove, fridge, or car
  40. Recycle your cans and glass
  41. Gifts that you didn't like and won't use
  42. Your coin collection
  43. Artwork you have in your home
  44. Sporting equipment to Play It Again Sports
  45. Create a course on Udemy
  46. Pick up free things on Craigslist and resell them back on Craigslist

5 Ways that Make the >>MOST<< Money

I've been making money from home for 21 years now. These are the things that make the MOST money from home that I've found. They do require a more long-term building strategy, but the amounts that you can make, are well worth the energy and time to build them up.

1) Sell printables ($3 million/year)

When I first started my blog, I was making pretty good money on ebay ($18k/year), enough to survive. But life isn't JUST about money. I wanted my life to matter! So I started blogging to help people. That rolled into multi 7-figure businesses.

On Shopify, where I sell printables, I currently make over $3 million/year. Can you believe that?! I love printables, as you can see from this post. 🙂 They've organized my life like no other. It's amazing how much one simple printable can do.

Each month, I give my audience a free binder in my binder of the month club, and they leave reviews. Others come along from Google and social media and purchase the binders because they see so many love them and that's how I make my money.

My audience also purchases my printables and with so much traffic and the nurtured, healthy email list that I've built over the years, it's really a fantastic way to earn income.

If you'd like to find out if Shopify is the right path for you and your situation and all the different types of things you can sell, for an extremely limited time, you can grab my course, Top 13 Things to Sell in Shopify (That Make the Most Money) for 50% off when you click here and use special discount code (if needed): MAKEMESOMEMONEY

That brings me to my second 7-figure empire, something you can absolutely do as well!

2) Sell courses ($1 million/year)

I started selling courses on Teachable 9 months ago (now on Kajabi). Within my very first two weeks, I made $97k. I assure you, I thought it was a fluke. lol. But here I am, 9 months later and I feel like I'm just BARELY getting started and I've already hit, yep, you guessed it 7 figures. I don't run any Facebook or paid-for advertising at this time (I hope to start soon, but haven't as of yet). It's all just my email list and word of mouth.

Listen, I love what I do, and I'm telling you right now that there's a goldmine of income you can make online and you can do it in just about any way you want. I've been making money online for 21 years! I made money when I first started way back then, I make more money now. Point is, you can absolutely make money online.

Will it be easy? No. Anyone who says it's easy, is a liar. Unfollow them.

It IS real work, but listen, I work less than part-time each week, and my assistants work 10 hours a week and I make $5.1 million dollars a year right now. I have my dream life and I love teaching others how to do it too. So I hope you stick around, because I have a wealth of knowledge inside me and each week, I'm pouring out my heart and life to help others do exactly what I've done over the years. <3

3) Do virtual assistant work ($10/hour)

This is a really great one. In order to run my business (I'm a single mom here, I can't do it all by myself!) 🙂 I need to have help. Currently, I have one girl who helps me proof articles, so I write all the posts like I'm doing now and then she comes in and proofs them and finds the spelling errors/grammar mistakes, etc. that I'm known to do. haha.

I have another girl do my Pinterest account. She's really amazing and great at helping my account grow.

And I have another girl who helps me with a lot of random stuff + my emails. She's FAN-TASTIC at keeping my emails at zero. Never seen anything like it before. It's just so awesome knowing it's all taken care of and relieves so much stress off of ME, so I can do what I'm BETTER at: writing.

The emails she can't do or that need to be answered by me (mostly course stuff), I do them. It just works so brilliantly.

I pay my assistants $10/hour to start and give them great special perks and bonuses. I absolutely adore my team. Each person plays a vital role in my business.

YOU can BE THAT for someone else.

There's a lot of Facebook groups that you can find a job as a virtual assistant in. Let me give you a few I know about that I'm a part of and are good:

  • Virtual Assistant Savvies
  • Blogger Resource Room
  • Faith Based Blog Content & Services
  • Virtual Assistant Buy & Sell Content & Services

You can create things like recipes, how to tutorials, printables, offer blog writing posts, create videos and all those sorts of things and offer them for sale in some Facebook groups.

You just create things like say a recipe and sell your pictures and recipe to bloggers for like $60! No kidding. It's a really great way to make quick money.

Some time in my blogging career, I would create roundups (collections of posts with a collection picture) for other bloggers. I would gather 25 links and have a collage of pictures and sell it for $30. You can look into Facebook groups to see more of that, but I used to do that for a while, while I was getting my blogging income up.

It's a fast and easy way to make money. Think about it. Bloggers can't do it all. They NEED help. They NEED honest, genuine, loving people like you to help them and this is a perfect way.

4) Write articles ($25-$30 per article)

This is also something I did, again in the Facebook groups, but also to bloggers I knew, friends, or people who would ask me to write for them. At one point, I was putting out so many articles, that I had a writer for ME. haha.

I hired my mom and she'd write posts on things like gardening (stuff I know nothing about) and I'd sell it for her on the Facebook group. We'd split the profits or I'd pay her like $10 per article. I'd ask $25 but I'd do the picture for it too.

I also had an assistant helping me and she'd create roundups for me (again, those are a collection of posts all in one post) and there were too many to put on my own blog so I'd sell them. I paid her $10/hour and it took her one hour to do it. I'd sell the article for $25-$30 and make a profit.

As a business owner, those types of things are business expenses (people who work for you), so you don't have to pay taxes on that money you pay. It's the same thing when you buy something to resell it on ebay or something, like I did with Littlest Pet Shop toys. You don't pay taxes on your expenses, which is cool.

So writing articles for bloggers can really help your income pretty quickly.

The one comment I hear a lot with this is that people think they might want to start their OWN blog and are afraid of giving out too much information and just GIVING it away.

I'll tell you, from experience, just give it away if it makes you money and you're starting blogging. Because listen, there's so much inside you that you don't even know and over the years, you'll learn even MORE!

Your knowledge never stops and who cares even if there ARE two articles on the best ways to save money on food. Like, this is the internet. There's nothing new under the sun. Somewhere, someone else has the same ideas and it's fine. As long as you're not copying anyone else.

Please note, if you ARE a scammer and copying other people's work online and passing it off as your own, we know. Bloggers use a very inexpensive tool called CopyScape Plagiarism Checker to make sure there's nothing scammy going on and to protect ourselves. 🙂

5) Resell a domain name or create a website and then sell it ($54,000)

One of my BEST FRIENDS is an online blogger and here recently, she got sick and is not able to blog anymore. She sold her blog for THREE TIMES her blogging YEARLY income. Yes, she's had the blog like 8 years, but there is a lot of people who buy a domain name, fill it up or write a bunch of content and then flip the sites for sometimes, tens of thousands of dollars!

It can be pretty lucrative. I've been tempted to do this myself, but decided to just build my own platforms and that's been the best route for me personally, however, again, it can make you a whole lotta money, so not anything to sneeze at.

10 >>EASIEST<<  Ways to Make Money

If you want the absolute EASIEST ways on how to make extra money, you'll want to check out this article here all about it!

Be sure to print out one of my free printable checklists below also, so you can check off what you've done and what you haven't. There's five different designs, so you're sure to find one you like. 🙂

40+ Things to sell right now to make extra money, make fast cash or make money sidehustling! Find out now what you can sell to make money! #selling #makingmoney #makingextramoney

Get the "40+ Things to Sell" free printable checklists by clicking here.

40+ Things to sell right now to make extra money, make fast cash or make money sidehustling! Find out now what you can sell to make money! #selling #makingmoney #makingextramoney

Whatever the reason that you need money right away, you don't have to sell your blood. There are tons of other things to sell and plenty to do. Take it from a single stay at home mom who's been making money from home for 20 years!!! Here are 40 things to sell right now to make money.

Selling Stuff From Home To Make Money


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